Client Portal  |  Access and Information for Clients  
  As part of our PATENDAT ® information program, we enable our clients with the link Registered Clients Area a secure personal access to an overview of their intellectual property rights managed by our law firm. If you do not yet have an access code for this service please contact us by e-mail stating your client number which you will find in the upper right corner of our debit notes. Should you not have your client number available, please call us.

For the clients for whom we are monitoring and paying the annual fees and renewal fees of Intellectual Property rights, we will shortly provide an individual access to our corresponding database via the link Renewal of IP Rights. There you can find a budget overview for forthcoming due payments of annual fees or renewal fees for your IP Rights managed by our law firm. (under construction)

We only provide this service for you on special request. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you wish to obtain access to the overview of forthcoming renewals.

The link IP Rights Portfolio Maps leads you to our service of creation of presentation diagrams in the form of maps that reflect the territorial protection of your IP Rights families.

Please note that this information is exclusively intended for our clients.