Monitoring | Patent Monitoring
  The monitoring of patent grants is an important prerequisite for being able to systematically oppose interfering patents of others. This guarantees that the own constructive free space is not restricted to an avoidable extent. Patent grants may be determined either by a permanent monitoring of specific patent classifications, or by a permanent monitoring of the activities of certain applicants. Said monitoring on a constant basis forms a part of our services rendered. Even in case of an already known patent application, the subject-matter of which may possibly be infringed by oneself, or where the risk of an infringement by own activities is involved, we are able to perform an individual application-specific monitoring on your behalf so as to observe the course of the proceedings of said patent application. By doing so, the examiner in charge can be forwarded prior art documents already in the examination stage of a possibly interfering patent application, so as to prevent at this stage a patent grant, or to provide favorable conditions for a later opposition.

Of course, said monitoring services are not limited to national German industrial property rights, but may, if desired, be performed in the most important industrial countries.